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Everything posted by tpant

  1. Hi PVSyst team, Any updates on the issue above. I am seeing the same issue with my runs where the initial run gives one yield values, then going in and moving a table slightly and bringing it back to the exact same spot ( and virtually no other changes to the model), makes the yield change erratically. Biggest swing I have seen in values has been 1.4%, this is really weird and can have major impact in modelling outputs. Can you please provide an explanation of this issue? curiously after the first time of yield change the yield does not change thereafter and stays the same.
  2. Hi, I am trying to model a tracker array with bifacial modules on a terrain that is 2.6° tilted to the north. We modelled the project at 0° axis tilt earlier as the trackers would be made horizontal by having different height posts. However, also wanted to model it with the axis tilt of the terrain just to see what the yield difference would be. The issue is as soon as I adjust the tracker axis tilt(-2.6°) in the shade scene and update the orientation, I get the following error: Your PV System is for the bifacial 2d model comparison. You should choose "Unlimited trackers" in the "Orientation" part, or define regular tracker array(s) with N/S horizontal axis in the 3d. This work fine if I change the axis tilt back to 0, but throws this error as soon as I change the tilt. Also, if I choose the unlimited tracker option, there is still no option to define an axis tilt. Is there a workaround for this issue?
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