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  1. elad

    flash report

    hi if i have all flash report in my plant and i want to run new simulation to estimate real production what the parameter than i need to change example i have pannel TRINA 310W but i i averege all flash report i got more 3% thanks Elad
  2. hi i try to estimate the gap between actual production and simulation PVsyst i have some plants and history data but this is hard to estimate i try to found article in the web .... i found but not good enough if you have any article ( from university or samilar ) ....... thanks
  3. elad

    thin film

    hi i am try to simulate first solar 105W (sep 2014) in PVsyst 6.32 1. the parameter in PVsyst with A little different from datasheeet why? and who 2. PVsyst Thoughtful technology that thin film shade is less that poly or mono ? 3. thermal loss factor U in "free" is 29w/m^2K or more ? 4. i am try to run same simulation with POLY and the result Almost irrespective , the big change is only in temperature losses but According to the theory electrical shade must be less no ?? thanks
  4. hi i have same problem i have simulation with panel BYD P6 36 285W i dont have any idea how R shunt i need to write i try to go back ( download old ver ) to PVsyst 6.25 not work i have irradiance level 0.3% but in old version 1.9% please help me tnx
  5. irradiance level i was run simulation in the past in the result i have 1.5% ~ losses about irradiance level but now in 6.3 ver only 0.3% why ??? thanks
  6. if i take DATASHEET i have all relevant parameter for make PAN file? where i put open circle voltage temperature coefficient ? and where can i fine in Datasheet about R sunt and Resistance ? thanks elad
  7. the units of limits is in MW but to run good simulation this is KW
  8. hello i have 6.14 versiton i try to run simulation 42 MWP pannels + 31 MWP inv this run O.k if i try to put power limit 31 MW the simulation do wong data ( i you want i send ) thanks elad (elad@sunisrael.co.il)
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