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  1. for a 2 MW solar plant i am using PVsyst 7 with Bi facial pv 450 W and 110 Kw inverter the problem is the output power in comparison using 450 w mono PV is only 5-6% more while normally the output power must be at least 20% more . i will be thank if any one has the same experience in this relation and explain to reach more power with using Bi facial modules . B.R B.hamzeh
  2. recently i am working on PVsyst 7 , and using the bi facial module but the yearly out put power in comparison with mono modules is more than 5-6 % ( capacity of modules , inverters in 2 method are equal ) any one knows about this problem ,regarding to information when using bi-facial pv modules the output must be more than 20%. B.R
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