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Everything posted by wjwlitespeed

  1. I have a project with several arrays. For the AC Ohmic Losses, I selected "This Sub System" and set different loss % for each array. When I return to the Ohmic Losses tab later, the AC Loss is reset to 0% for all but Array #1. The values I entered are gone. I am running V6.25
  2. I upgraded to V6.25 now I receive an error warning if I run the program while connected to our corporate VPN. If I click on the Continue button, I repeatedly receive warnings about running after a crash. The program behaves normally if I disconnect from our corporate VPN first. This did not happen with previous versions. Others in my company are having the same problem.
  3. Hello Is there a method for importing a shading factor table? How about editing the table within the program? Thanks
  4. I see this as well. Joe
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