I am new to PVsyst and the solar energy industry in general. I am a masters student and My thesis is on pv plants' simulation and my case studies are some already existing plants. I have a full license of PVsyst. PVsyst is one of the main tools i use in my work. The plant started operation some years ago and I would like to simulate it and compare PVsyst results with real results. I inserted the inputs related to the components like (modules,inverters, array configuration defining number of strings and modules etc.) and I also set the plant nominal power as the desired power to be harvested in the upper section (presizing help). I used the already existing meteo file of metenorm and pvgis for the first rough simulation for now. My questions are, the results which i get are average of some years or what does it reflect exactly? I only have this '1990' as a generic year which I don't understand that much. What can I do to get simulation results for the first,second, third ...tenth year of operation and so on of this particular plant that started operation in 2011? a year by year results, is that allowed in PVsyst? If yes, how can I get these detailed results? Is this generic year an averaged value of the entire period of operation of the plant? The next step is to import real measured data from the site(pyranometer reading etc) , should I expect more options when I do so? I mean in terms of extracting the detailed results that i was asking about. Best Regards,