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  1. 1. we are using bifacial solar module in one of our project. 2. The module temperature ( of bifacial module) is being measured by CS240 temperaure sensor( make-compbell scientic) . This temperature sensor is fixed at back side of solar module. 3. The module temperature ( of bifacial module) is also calucated by NREL method/ sandia module temperature model. We are finding large difference between these two values Difference= MOD_TEMP (Measured by CS240) - NREL_MOD_TEMP (Calculated-NREL method) this difference is i the range of -9% to 36% based on irradiance during the day. Request you to support to resolve below query 1. Why there is difference? 2. is suitable to measure module temperature of bifacial solar module ( since it is fixed at only one side). 3. What is suitable module temperature sensor to measure module temp of bifacial solar module so that the measured & calculated temperature(NREL) values should match. Regards, Vilas Pacharne vilasgpacharne@gmail.com
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