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Everything posted by jfolguera

  1. Dear all, So the total irradiance to be considered to analyze both front and back would be GlobEff+ bifaciality*GlobBak? I don't see the Global effective energy that @dtarin is mentioning. Thanks for clarifying
  2. Hi everyone, Is this already implemented? Are temperature and voltage de-rating calculations available in PVsyst? Thanks
  3. Hi there, Can someone explain how to simulate trackers using the 3D scene importing a .PVC file? Do they need to have the same characteristics? I mean pitch, axis tilt angle, etc? I face some difficulties when calculating. Thanks!
  4. I have a similar problem... Let's see if someone can help us
  5. Hi, Do we have any feedback on this? I have the same problem when importing GPI from my pyranometers. They don't match what PVsyst "calculates" after and the data on the report. Thanks for the help.
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