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Everything posted by katerinaF

  1. In advanced simulation of an existing project (grid connected system Genova with storage;VC4), the output variables appear in the output file in an order that does not correspond to the headings (perhaps shifted?) Why is this and how it can be fixed please?
  2. katerinaF


    I am using "Tools" / "Import ASCII meteo files" to import my own measured data in PVsyst. (It is 5 min measured values for one summer month, august, actually 20 days of the month). After the conversion I am getting the message "average time shift on clear days -25 minutes" (this is shown in the check data quality tab above the graph). To correct this I do the following: I click in the tab next to the "format protocol file" and in the "date format" tab I set time shift 25. I save the file, I choose the ascii source file again and I run the conversion again. Then it shows me again the same message about the time shift: "average time shift on clear days -25 minutes" . (I repeated setting the time shift at -25, 30, and other values and it still shows me the same message). Could you please tell me how I can correct this? thanks, K.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I am refering again to the same topic. I used "Tools" / "Import ASCII meteo files" and I used the five minute data files for the PVsyst to gather them into hourly data in a clean way as suggested. I have two questions: 1) In this case my five minute file has data of horizontal radiation. In the "Characteristics of meteo hourly files window I choose the parameters Horiz Global and Global Tilted plane and I click on the "Table" to see the values, then I click on the "Change plane" tab and I set the inlcination at 50 degrees. My question is: the values shown on the table for the parameter "Global Tilted plane" do they come from the conversion of my ON MY OWN imported values of the horizontal radiation to the 50 degrees tilted values? 2)I now import a different file where I have 5 minute measured data on 50 degrees tilted plane. Before asking for the conversion, I set the plane to be 50 degrees. Again, after the converrsion, I choose the parameters Horiz Global and Global Tilted plane and I click on the "Table" to see the values. Then, if I click on the "Change plane" tab, I notice that the setting shown there is 30 degrees although I had set it to 50 degrees for the conversion as I mentioned before. My question is: In order to see my converted imported file into hourly data on the 50 degrees inclination do I have to change this setting to 50 there? thanks, k
  4. I am using a file with hourly solar radiation values of one month (I got this from five minute measured data at the site) from Southampton (uk). I formated the file to the format that the PVsyst needs (ASCII text file) and I used the tools/import ASCII meteo file facility to import the data. (I tried to attach the file that I used in this e-mail but it does not allow me to do so-why?). The conversion is succesful, but I am geting the message: "The meteo values are shifted by 81 minutes by respect to the Time defined in the time zone of your site. Please redefine the record time label in the format protocol, or adjust the time zone of the reference site." I tried (I think) all these. I changed the time shft to 30 minutes in the time label in the format protocole and I still had the same message when I tried the conversion again. Then I changed the time zone of the "geographic site"/open in the software and I still had the same message. Then I changed the time zone and the time shift in the file with the monitored data that I wanted to import (time zone zero now and time shift 30). It still shows me the same message (do they have to be chcanged in the file as well?). Could you please help me with this? Many thanks, K. The fle is as shown below in the extract. #Measured data #Sitename; Southampton #Country; UK #Data Source; Lancaster Building STAR facility #Timestep; Hour #Year; 2001 #Latitude; 50.95 #Longitude; 1.36 #Altitude; 3 #Time Zone; 0 #Time Shift; 30 #Plane tilt; 50 #Plane azimuth; 0 #Albedo; 0.2 Year Month Day HHMM Tamb GHI C Whs/m2 2001 1 1 0 -99 0 2001 1 1 1 -99 0 2001 1 1 2 -99 0 2001 1 1 3 -99 0 2001 1 1 4 -99 0.004166667 2001 1 1 5 -99 0.09375 2001 1 1 6 -99 2.74875 2001 1 1 7 -99 33.9865 2001 1 1 8 -99 103.07 2001 1 1 9 -99 113.8235 2001 1 1 10 -99 69.93333333 2001 1 1 11 -99 40.83733333 2001 1 1 12 -99 28.24133333 2001 1 1 13 -99 8.364666667 2001 1 1 14 -99 2.45675 2001 1 1 15 -99 0.029166667 2001 1 1 16 -99 0 2001 1 1 17 -99 0.016666667 2001 1 1 18 -99 0 2001 1 1 19 -99 0.001666667 2001 1 1 20 -99 0 2001 1 1 21 -99 0 2001 1 1 22 -99 0 2001 1 1 23 -99 0 2001 1 2 0 -99 0.004166667 2001 1 2 1 -99 0 2001 1 2 2 -99 0.00375 2001 1 2 3 -99 0 2001 1 2 4 -99 0 2001 1 2 5 -99 0.1725 2001 1 2 6 -99 3.2315 2001 1 2 7 -99 6.23875 2001 1 2 8 -99 38.40816667 2001 1 2 9 -99 85.44441667 2001 1 2 10 -99 87.39666667 2001 1 2 11 -99 59.32933333 2001 1 2 12 -99 48.01033333 2001 1 2 13 -99 23.45666667 2001 1 2 14 -99 2.994 2001 1 2 15 -99 0.04375
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