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Everything posted by eclestor

  1. Hello, I am looking for a solution how to set true zero export for grid-connected PV systems. In certain countries it is not allowed to inject energy into the grid. This is the case for Hungary when the point of connection and fiscal metering is done on MV side (user has its own transformer station). A partial solution is to set "Grid power limitation" under "Energy management" to 1 kW, <1 gives warning. Did anybody find a solution for such problem? Also feed in tarrif is not applicable in this scenario (when feed in tariff is set to zero it gives yellow warning) In PVsyst modelling: is power limitation done by switching off the whole system? Power limitation is possible for many inverters. In some cases, the control system is embedded in others a separate PLC is needed to control the inverter. Setpoint is the energy meter's data. Thank you in advance.
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