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Everything posted by amina

  1. Hi sir for comparing bifacial pv model with monofacial model using optimisation tool how can select the properties of the monofacial to match the same as that of bifacial as shown in the attachment which is taken from (PVsysts new framework to simulate bifacial systems PVPMC Workshop)
  2. Thank you sir , and if i want to test a specific panel which have the properties of bifacial how can use the rear factor in stand alone regards,
  3. Hi ,Sir In stand alone system using bifacial rear factor . Is the design is back to back pv panel , I mean the pv panel manufacture and specification are the same for the front and back panel or its a special manufacture how can we use this factor , is it an estimation for the stand alone or there is a some procedure for using it Regards,
  4. hi , sir in the new version of PVsyst 6.83 is there a facility to using bifaical in stand alone system?
  5. Hi I'm using PVsyst 6.83 for simulating a stand alone pv system for yearly fixed tilt angle orientation the problem is the program pop only on the winter optimum angle the yearly optimum angle in the project area is 34 degrees , the PVsyst take only the winter optimum angle which is 57 How can I fix the orientation on the yearly chose for the stand alone pv system regards,,
  6. Hi , I'm looking for simulation for bifacial pv panel in stand alone using the pvsyst6.79 i cant find the bifacil only in the grid connected is anyone have the same problem ?
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