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  1. I've just updated to version 5.71. The fractional input button still doesn't work. Can you give me a update on this issue? Thanks Sam
  2. Hello, I have recently encountered a new problem when running Solar Edge simulations. Once I choose solar edge inverter there is a check box that states fractional input. This allows you to choose .5 as a number of inverters in order to string odd number of panels. For example a strings of 18 and 17, 305 watt panels on a 10kw inverter. When I check the box it just un clicks itself. Without this box checked the system will count each subfield as a whole inverter as a oppose to half. Any suggestions on a work around for this? Previously I was running PVsyst 5.69 on a pc image on my MAC. We have now switch over our office machines to PCS and notice the problem. + Thanks Sam
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