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  1. Hi Andre, Sorry I need your input based on the info I submitted. What is off in my values that would cause the results shown. What Properties might need changing? David
  2. Thanks Andre, I could not paste the pdf trying jpegs, global irridiation figures and here part 2 Thx
  3. Hi, I have been getting unrealistic readings for yield lately. I cannot find any values I changed that would cause that. An example Location: Hamilton, OH Lat. 39.4, Long 84.6, Alt 181m, Albedo 0.20 (default). Modules: Forty LG 250 watt modules 10 kW rated capacity, Grid tie, South facing, fixed tilt of 35 deg, No shading. Inverter: Fronius IG Plus V 10.0-1-240 Inverter, 240V AC, 4 strings of 10 I get specific prod of 1367 kWh/kWp/year seems unrealistic, Energy of 13.67 MWh/year. It comes close to a PvWatts derate value of 0.88 Thanks
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