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Everything posted by Mark.Glavan

  1. Hi, We're increasingly finding the need for a network based licensing system. Is this on the horizon? Regards, Mark
  2. Hi, Is there any way to tilt a handrail shading object in the XZ axis? For example, I have a handrail running up an inclined walkway adjacent to a PV array. When I adjust the object tilt in PVsyst it only tilts the handrail in the XY axis (as if it were tipping over) rather than the XZ axis. This would be a very handy feature to have, as I imagine several PV installations would be on inclined rooftops with shading caused by handrails. Regards, Mark
  3. I am having a lot of problems with the module layout tool when using polygons in my shading scene. The shading scene builder only works to 2 decimal place accuracy, which is a problem when the module definition is down to mm accuracy. In a lot of cases, the modules will not fit the polygon due to rounding errors. With a rectangular plane you can usually just adjust the spacing and/or round up the values, but when it is staggered it becomes impossible. As an interim solution, I have changed the module dimensions in the database to a 2dp number (in metres). Can you please advise whether this will impact on the accuracy of my simulation? Regards, Mark
  4. Andre, Apologies for double posting this one, however I think it is more useful that I post this to the forum rather than to your individual email account. Rather than importing geometry directly into PVsyst (which as you've noted below, will be near impossible), the function to import a 2D .dxf underlay would be very useful if a drag and drop and snap functionality can be incorporated. This still allows all of the geometry to be built within PVsyst and to the PVsyst rules, but allows us to easily locate objects relative to one another, which at the moment is a cumbersome task. This is a similar approach to what is taken with the majority of building energy simulation programs (i.e. IES Virtual Environment, DesignBuilder) which have very strict geometry requirements. This probably isn't easy to implement, but I think it is a sensible middle ground between no import capability and full 3D import capability. Happy to elaborate further if necessary.
  5. I am getting the same issue, I have created a shading scene and when I go to module layout I am getting a completely different set of subfields. When I click 'erase def' (which has worked for me in the past with this situation) the dialog simply closes and when I open it up again, I am getting the same set of incorrect subfields. Has a solution been found to this problem?
  6. Thanks for that Marvin, I'm now caught up on creating a number of sub-arrays with a heterogeneous array. Previously I could set up up to 8 Sub-Arrays, but I'm now back to square one with only one sub-array type allowed per tilt/orientation configuration. Is there a way to create the required number of Sub-Arrays, or is the only way to do this by creating two seperate model files and running each indepedently? Regards, Mark
  7. We are working on system simulation with Power-One TRIO 20.kW inverters, which feature two MPPT's. Is there a way to simulate different array configurations for each MPPT? We have different string lengths and number of strings on each input, which is not uncommon. As far as I can understand, you can only specify one String length and the number of strings used is evenly distributed between the two MPPTs. I would appreciate any insight. I am using v6.08. Regards, Mark
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