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Everything posted by edikravvin

  1. OK, Thanks We will wait for improoved version of the program :)
  2. Hello, During my work I've encounter with some issue. I have a roof with two kinds of PV module (Hanwha 285W and 240) and also two kind of azimuth they are located on the roof. (see add picture) My system is: 246 KW 5 inverters (Kaco 50KW - 3MPPT) 799 modules of Hanwha 285W - (664 of them have an azimuth -40 and 135 azimuth 0) 75 modules of Hanwha 240W (with azimuth -40) How can set this system into one project using the 50KW inverters (KACO) ? As I understood I have to insert 75 panels of 240 into separate MPPT of one of the inverters, but I cant make a field with one Inverter ant two kinds of modules. Hope my question is clear :? Thanks, Eduard
  3. Hello, I've got PV system that allready was created, Now I now to check some details about it, so I'm build it in my program. But I coudn't get the right amount of modules that actualy installed. I need to get 2040 insteed 2037 that I've got (see attached photo) How can make this heppend? PVsyst V5.67 Thank you. Eduard
  4. Hello, I coundn't find the answer for my question, so I ask here. I'm trying to make a simulation with "Partition in module chaince" where I have a row with 3 strings on it. (see the pic.) How I need to do it right way, to get 3 (or 2) strings on the same row, but with different amount of moduls for each string? I have 5.66V of PVsyst Thank you. Eduard
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