Very interesting question indeed and one that has been debated for a while now. To add to what Marvin mentioned, I think that constantly operating the inverter at a higher voltage (yet within its limits), while shifting the MPPT seems to have unintended consequences that inverter manufacturers don't seem to be very clear about. I've hear a wide range of speculation ranging from DC:AC ratios not exceeding 1.12 to ones above 1.5, and some of the impacts particularly with instantaneous spikes in current when the inverter is constantly operating in the steeper part of the curve is still an open question. On the other hand, with Marvin's second and third points, I'm a little confused, since correct MPPT tracking would imply that the energy from the modules was never realized. This would imply that there shouldn't be a temperature derate effect due to over-powering either at the inverter or the module, since the area under the IV curve is itself reduced, so the power is never produced. So, could you please clarify your points Marvin?