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  1. Hi, It would be nice if PVsyst could read a .txt script or .csv file, formatted to your convenience, that would specify the data normally prompted for when defining a 'PV table (with frame)" object (e.g. tilt, table dimensions or by modules...) as well as the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of a reference point (say bottom left corner) in order to import a table layout. Most of the code already exists, it should only be a matter of reading the file, looping through the specified tables and executing the table-creation function using the data provided. That would really help as an intermediate step for importation from any other platform (e.g. AutoCAD...).
  2. Hi, I've just installed the latest update of PVsyst (6.78) and it seems that a bug was introduced in the "Fill zone" function of the 3D shading scene construction tool. Choosing to align from the left side results in a centred filling while both "from right" and "centred" produce a layout aligned on the right side of the zone. Best regards, Julien Lopez
  3. Hi all, I have just updated PVsyst from version 6.6.2 to 6.7.5 to go back to some utility scale projects that I had done last year which capacities are around 6MW. I have discovered that using the Module Layout section of the parameters' definition is no longer an option for systems of more than 5MW. However, I haven't found any information about this new restriction in the Help database nor in the update history of PVsyst between these two versions. I would, please, like to know why was this limit introduced and how my previous simulation results may have suffered from being carried according to detailed module layout at such high capacities.
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