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Hourly Output Exceeds Grid Power Limitation

Jim P

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When using grid power limitation at the inverter level, the actual power output of the inverter exceeds the limitation.  Example, if the grid power limit is set to 50 MW, the hourly data EOutInv exceeds 50 MW.

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Figured it out, it's a bit flakey but found a way to make the E-Grid value equal the limit set under grid power limitation.  Intuitively, one would expect the EOutInv value to equal the limit set at the inverter output.

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The grid limitation principles are fully explained in the help  "  Project design > Grid-connected system definition > Grid power limitation"

Now I don't have any knowing of the fact that E_Grid exceeds the grid limitation. Please send an example-project.

In the previous post, it was not the E_Grid, but the EOutInv value which exceeds the grid limitation.

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